IS 238 Susan B Anthony Academy Home

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Succeed, Believe, Achieve
I.S. 238 Mission: Develop students into self-learners by teaching students to identify their academic & social emotional strengths & weaknesses, to increase student agency and accountability.  
I.S. 238 Vision: To be the place where students can achieve academic success, develop the social skills needed for a global society, and to grow as learners. 

Recent News

Parent Workshop: Saying No to Children

Tonight on Zoom at 6:00PM. Register by clicking "Read the Full Story." Discussion will focus on how parents can say “No” to their children while avoiding confrontation. Parents will be given the opportunity to describe specific incidents, (anonymously via index card), and ask for suggestions

Parent Survey Deadline Extended to Friday, April 19, 2024

Please fill out the school survey if you have not done so. We only have 5% of parents that have completed the survey on line. If you completed it or mailed it in, THANK YOU, but if you haven't please do it now. All you need to do to log in is: Go to the link by clicking this box. Enter your child's OSIS/ID number with a lowercase "f" in front of it: Example: f999000111. Please help us out. Thank you.

Everyone is Okay!!

There was a reported earthquake originating out of Whitehouse Station New Jersey. I have included the link for the United States Geological Survey (USGS) below for your information. Click the link and then click "Latest Earthquakes" at the top right of the screen. We currently are showing everything and everyone is in normal working condition.

Taller para padres sobre cómo mantener vivas las tradiciones familiares

Este taller está diseñado para todos los padres/hijos. Se abordará la importancia de mantener vivas las tradiciones familiares a medida que los niños las asimilan. A los padres se les ofrecerán formas de continuar esas tradiciones para que los niños de todas las edades mantengan y se sientan orgullosos de su identidad cultural.

Principal Update 2-1-2024

Mr. Leddy
New NYSED Designation Status.