IS 238 Susan B Anthony Academy Home

Upcoming Events

Succeed, Believe, Achieve
I.S. 238 Mission: Develop students into self-learners by teaching students to identify their academic & social emotional strengths & weaknesses, to increase student agency and accountability.  
I.S. 238 Vision: To be the place where students can achieve academic success, develop the social skills needed for a global society, and to grow as learners. 

Recent News

Mr. Leddy's Cat taking the survey

NYC School Survey

Parents/Guardians. Once on the survey page, you must enter “f” and then your student's OSIS to access the survey. The “f” must be lowercase. Then you can take the survey.
Padres/Tutores. Una vez que se encuentre en la página de la encuesta, debe ingresar “f” y luego el OSIS de su estudiante para acceder a la encuesta. La “f” debe estar en minúscula. Luego, puede completar la encuesta.
পিতামাতা/অভিভাবকগণ। জরিপ পৃষ্ঠায় একবার প্রবেশ করলে, জরিপটি অ্যাক্সেস করার জন্য আপনাকে "f" এবং তারপরে আপনার শিক্ষার্থীর OSIS লিখতে হবে। "f" ছোট হাতের অক্ষরে লিখতে হবে। তারপর আপনি জরিপে অংশগ্রহণ করতে পারবেন।

March 12, 2025 PTA Meeting is at 5:00PM

The March 12, 2025 PTA meeting will be at 5:00PM instead of 6:00PM. This meeting is NOT the PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES. Parent Teacher conferences are tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow evening, all virtual.

Principal Update