Lost Coats and Clothing Lost Coats Show Transcript hello everyone these are the coats and clothing left behind by your children there are many expensive and good quality items Northface guests Nike Hollister or just some all of these items have been washed in our washing machine and hung up or folded everything you see here was found in the cafeteria the schoolyard in the holes classrooms if you see an item here please have your child come to the main office and we will assist them they are still items that are bagged that we have not gone through and washed but it will happen in the next few days if no 1 claims these items by January 31st we will donate them to charity also please write your child's name inside their coat many jackets have a place in the lining to write your child's name on which would help us and you greatly and 1 more suggestion I know everyone is busy and has many responsibilities but if your child went to school with a codon please make sure when they come home they come home with a coat even if you are working when they come home from school when you get home just check if they didn't bring their coat home give us a call the quicker we know about it the easier it will be to find it we're in this together thank you